If your jaw pain, ear pain, or headaches just won’t stop, then you might be suffering from TMD, also known as temporomandibular joint disorder. This can be caused by anything from head trauma to a misaligned bite, but more importantly, the staff at Drs. Brown, Gettings, and Gade are well-equipped to treat TMD. Your treatment is customized to your needs and goals in order to balance your jaw so that you can live without tension.
Drs. Brown, Gettings, and Gade: West Chester, OH’s Preferred Pain Relief Provider
Are you struggling with pain in your jaw, ears, or head?
Help us help you!

TMD Explained
Could I have TMD?
Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? If yes, then contact our office ASAP for a consultation.

TMJ Therapy
Take the next step today!
At the office of Drs. Brown, Gettings, and Gade in West Chester, OH, we use Botox to treat TMD. Botox stops nerve signals from being transmitted, blocking muscle spasms and leading to the alleviation of pain. It also controls teeth grinding, which will lessen uncomfortable TMJ pain! Botox treatments are minimally invasive, fast, risk-free, and most important, have proven results. Call us today to schedule a consultation!
TMD and CandidProâ„¢ Clear Aligners
If a patient is having TMD related pain, we will evaluate their bite. If there is a traumatic or unbalanced bite, this can often lead to chronic pain. In some cases we can achieve pain free results by using CandidProâ„¢ Clear Aligners to reposition the teeth. Repositioning the teeth allows us to stabilize the jaw joints and help to alleviate tension in the surrounding muscles.