We want to help local businesses!
Local restaurants and small businesses are hurting right now. We are fighting against an invisible enemy, but it doesn’t mean we can’t fight back! Now more than ever we need to support each other in the community. I was born and raised in Fairfield and West Chester, and I want to see these and the surrounding communities continue to flourish!
North Carolina State University is reporting that the CDC, FDA, and USDA have no reports at this time to suggest that COVID-19 has been transferred by food or food packaging. This is great news if you would like to help local restaurants and their employees during this difficult time.
If you are in a high risk demographic, then you should exercise extreme caution and even discuss with your physician what you should or shouldn’t do. But if you are able to support small business in their time of need I hope we can all rally together.
If you would like to mention a restaurant or a story about a small business nearby that needs all of our support, then I encourage you to let us know. Together we can all be stronger!
Stay well,
Dr. Brown and Dr. Gettings