Is It That Time Again?
When was the last time that you visited our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning? Are you now realizing that you can’t remember the last time you visited our office? We know that everyone leads busy lives and time can get away from you. Especially after dealing with the pandemic, it can be difficult to remember which appointments were cancelled or postponed. Now that everyone is enjoying their summer and reentering more of a normal routine, we encourage you to schedule an appointment today if you have not been to our office within the past six months. Routine examinations are a way that we ensure that your mouth is healthy. We would hate for you to experience a dental emergency or serious condition due to missing your hygiene exam. Read on for more important details.
Avoid Emergencies
We hope that you are enjoying your summer. For many, summer means relaxing days, planned vacations, and spending time with family and friends. We are sure that you would not welcome or be happy to deal with a dental emergency. While dental emergencies can occur at any time, they happen most often to patients who do not visit our office regularly. During your routine hygiene examinations, we do more than clean your teeth. Using the images from X-rays and the exam itself our staff is able to pinpoint problem areas in the teeth such as a cavity or crack in the tooth. When these issues are taken care of immediately, the likelihood of an emergency developing is greatly decreased. The longer these problem areas are left to grow and worsen in the mouth, the better chance you have of experiencing a costly and time consuming emergency.
We Can Detect Diseases Early
During your routine hygiene examination, we do more than clean your teeth and inspect for decay and damage. We provide screenings to look for oral cancer, and we also look for warning signs of gum disease. Both of these conditions can develop due to lack of oral hygiene and routine care. The good news is that both conditions can typically be treated easily when detected in the early stage of disease.
If you are a patient located in the West Chester, OH area and have not visited our office within the past six months, we encourage you to call today to schedule an appointment. We also welcome any of your family and friends in the area who are looking for a new dental home to call and schedule an appointment as well. We look forward to seeing you soon!