The Truth About Smile Direct Club
Dr. Gettings discusses the truth about Smile Direct Club.
Dr. Gettings discusses the truth about Smile Direct Club.
Have you been avoiding routine dental care due to lack of insurance? Are you frustrated with the limitations that your dental insurance company imposes and have postponed a needed treatment due to lack of coverage? We have heard your frustrations, and we feel them too. This is one of the reasons we are so happy to share our VIP Savings Plan with our patients. Since we are still freshly into the new year, there is no better time to learn more about our in-house savings program and how it can benefit you and your family. Read on to learn more.
We love when patients ask us questions about how to improve their family’s oral health. One question we are frequently asked is about fluoride. You’ve probably heard the term used many times in conjunction with a discussion about teeth and oral health, but do you know what fluoride is and why it is used? Fluoride is a mineral that is found in many water sources such as lakes, rivers, and surprisingly enough, the ocean. We know that many patients are concerned about the appropriate levels of fluoride and the best way to use it. This month, Dr. Brown focuses on all this and more in his vlog, “Dr. Brown Speaks the Tooth.” Click here to watch the video and learn more about ways to use fluoride to benefit your oral health.
Do you find that you are always putting yourself last? With all of the responsibilities in our life between work, family, extra-curricular activities, and much more, it can be difficult to find the time to prioritize yourself and your health. We want to take a moment to remind you of the importance of taking care of yourself and making your overall health and your oral health a priority. This is especially important if you have been delaying any needed dental treatments. Dr. Brown recently shared his thoughts on this topic and showed the remarkable results of a patient who finally put his dental needs first. Click here to see Dr. Brown’s video, see the patient’s results, and learn more about the importance of maintaining proper oral health.
At Brown & Gettings, DDS, we continuously stress the importance of being mindful of not only your oral health, but your overall health as well. Dr. Brown was recently reminded of this during an appointment with one of his patients, and he wants to share the story and his thoughts with you. This patient recently celebrated her 18th anniversary of being diagnosed with lung cancer. She is not only a lung cancer survivor, but a breast cancer survivor as well. Dr. Brown felt that her optimism and outlook on life was something to be shared and can be a lesson for us all. Click here to watch the video where Dr. Brown shares this story and how being proactive with your health can truly make a world of difference to your future health.
Have you recently experienced tooth loss and are unsure of how to proceed? No matter if you have lost a tooth due to injury, decay, or a medical illness, we know that it can be extremely disheartening to lose a tooth, and it often leads to the discussion of replacing the tooth or leaving the spot open. In his video, Dr. Brown shares the importance of replacing your missing tooth and explains how you can create more problems for your oral health by leaving the area alone. Watch this informative video to learn more about the importance of replacing a missing tooth.
Dr. Brown is here to chat with you about sleep hygiene and common sleep conditions many of his patients have. Check out his video to learn more.
Are you unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and would like to make a change? After everything we have been through over the past year, now is a great time to reflect and think about any changes you would like to make dentally, physically, and mentally. At Brown and Gettings, DDS, it is our mission to help as many people as possible be happy, healthy and live their best lives. If you would like to make a change to your smile, the first step starts with you. We encourage you to pick up the phone and call our office to schedule an appointment to discuss changes you would like to see in your oral health.
Would you love to make an improvement in your smile but are hesitant because you can’t picture the finished product? When you see the same teeth and smile looking back at you every time you look in the mirror, we know that it can be difficult to picture how dental improvements could change the appearance of your teeth. We are proud to offer a form of dental technology that can give you a sneak peek of the potential changes that are possible. Read on to learn more about this interesting service that is available in our office.