Gum Disease is Riskier than You May Think
Over the past year we have had a major focus on our overall health. We have had to adjust the way that we go about our daily lives from work to school and seeing friends and family. Now more than ever we want to stress our philosophy that your overall health and your dental health need to work together to help fight off COVID-19 and other ailments. Medical professionals have warned that patients who suffer from obesity, heart disease, and diabetes have a higher risk of suffering serious consequences when contracting the virus. Dr. Brown shared a video with recent findings of the link between COVID-19 and your dental health. Click here to watch the video and learn about why your dental health can be the difference between life and death.
Link Between COVID-19 and Gum Disease
As Dr. Brown states in the video, there are recent findings that have been released by medical professionals that link the severity of COVID-19 to patients that are suffering from periodontal disease, or gum disease. Gum disease is a serious gum infection and inflammation caused by bacterial growth along the gumline and around the base of the tooth. Dr. Brown states that COVID-19 positive patients who also suffer from gum disease have an increased risk of being:
- 9 times more likely to die
- 4 ½ times more likely to be placed on a ventilator
Ways to Ensure a Healthy Mouth
Dr. Brown offers suggestions to be the healthiest version of yourself:
- Take care of your teeth at home by brushing and flossing properly.
- Make sure you are visiting our office for your dental appointments.
- If any form of tooth decay becomes apparent, take care of it as soon as possible.
Dr. Brown shares a very realistic story about the severe effect neglected dental issues can cause on not only your dental, but overall health. He reminds us that taking care of our dental health can very well save our life one day.
If you have any questions about gum disease, have not visited our office in some time, or feel that you might be suffering from tooth decay, call our office located in West Chester, OH today to schedule an appointment. As always, we hope that you and your family stay healthy and safe.